Vladimir Novotny, PhD, PE, DEE
- Has over 37 years of experience as a professor in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering at Marquette University, founder of the Institute for Urban Environmental Risk Management, and between 2002 and 2009 as the CDM endowed chair professor at Northeastern University where he founded and directed the Center for Urban Environmental Studies.
- A recipient of the Sam Jenkins Medal for outstanding service awarded by the International Water Association (IWA), a member of the International Water Academy and the founding chairman of the IWA International Group of Specialist on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication.
- Since the end of the last millennium Dr. V. Novotny has been involved in research, outreach, consulting and writing, changing the paradigm of urban water/stormwater/wastewater design and management to sustainable cities (i.e. water reclamation and reuse, and approaching or meeting the net zero carbon emission).
- Was appointed a member of the IWA International Steering Committee in 2009, charged with formulating and developing the interdisciplinary program for the sustainable cities of the future (COTF), which is becoming a major programmatic topic of IWA, Water Environment Federation, American Planning Association and other professional organizations.
- Frequently makes invited presentations and organizes workshops on sustainable urban water, diffuse pollution and water-energy nexus both in the US and abroad (Australia, Japan, China, Czech Republic, Republic of Korea, Oxford University, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Morocco, Philippines, India, Singapore, Thailand).
Lynn E. Novotny, MLS
- Business and office manager
- Information retrieval and management
Paul Novotny, PhD
- Consulting partner – system analysis and modeling
- Cyber infrastructure design
- Owner Revolute Biomedical, LLC
Our partner in Czech Republic is Ing. Petr Grau, PhD
- Professor Emeritus of the University of Chemical Technology in Prague
- Expert on waste water treatment technology and water quality with projects in Italy, Czech Republic and elsewhere in Europe and South America
- Former President of International Water Association
- Sole owner of AquaNova International, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic